Chennai, Apr 23: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today ruled out the possibility of bifurcating Nagapattinam district, which, she said, was already very small. Intervening during the debate on the demands for grants relating to labour, she said her government had taken a decision in 2001 to bifurcate Dharmapuri district, with Krishnagiri as the headquarters for the bifurcated segment, but because of financial crunch, the decision could not be implemented so far. Jayalalithaa said the Central government had now taken a decision to go in for delimitation of the constituencies and had accordingly directed that no changes should be made till 2004. "There is a ban from the Centre now." "However, the state government feels that there is no need for bifurcating Nagapattinam district which was already very small," she said. Earlier, Jagaveerapandiyan (BJP) pleaded for bifurcating Nagapattinam district and naming Myladuthurai, his constituency, as headquarters for one segment.

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