Frankfurt, Dec 05: The cheapest match tickets for the 2006 soccer World Cup finals in Germany will cost 35 euros, less than for a rock concert.
"I think it was a good idea of the (German) organising committee (headed by Franz Beckenbauer) to introduce a (ticket) so that people who would not normally be able to afford a ticket can still buy one", Blatter told reporters in Frankfurt on Thursday (December 4). "I have full understanding. I am also someone from a modest background and I really approve of this," Blatter added. The cheapest match tickets for the 2006 soccer World Cup finals in Germany will cost 35 euros ($42.21), less than for a rock concert. The German organising committee had insisted there should be a category of affordable tickets and world ruling body FIFA accepted their request.

The minimum price for first round matches for last years finals in South Korea and Japan was the equivalent of 51 euros.

The 35 euro tickets will be available for 47 first round games, but not for the opening match to be played on June 9 in Munich.

Tickets for the Berlin final on July 9 will cost from 120 euros ($144.7) to 600 euros ($723.7).

Bureau Report