Jakarta, Aug 24: A suspect in bombings at a McDonald's outlet and showroom that killed three people in the Indonesian city of Makassar last year has surrendered to police after eight months on the run, a report said today. Dahlan, alias Abu Osama, surrendered to police Friday in south Sulawesi province's district of Takalar, the Kompas daily reported, quoting an officer of the south Sulawesi Police.
Dahlan was wanted on suspicion of having taken part in assembling bombs used in the explosions at a busy McDonald outlet and a car showroom in Makassar on December 05.
"The suspect claims that he surrendered himself because he was fed up hiding at his hiding place," adjutant senior Commissioner Bambang Sumena said.
Nineteen people are in custody for before the courts over the bombings, which also injured 15 people. One of the bombers is believed to have been killed in the McDonald's blast.
Three other people are still wanted for the bombings: Agung Abdul Hamid, Hizbullah Rasyid and Mirjal, alias Ghozy.
Dahlan had been hiding in the south Sulawesi district of north Luwu but surrendered to the Takalar district police because his elder brother knew the district police chief there, Sumena said.
"He chose Takalar so that he (will) not be roughly handled by the police," he said. Bureau Report