Colombo, Mar 03: Two candidates of the ruling United National Front (UNF) from the eastern Batticaloa district withdrew their names for the forthcoming April 2 snap general elections, following the gunning down of a party candidate on Monday night. According to sources, two UNF Tamil candidates, Amarasingham Vinayagamoorthy of Mandur and Kasupathy Poopalaratnam of Valaichchenai have written to the Election Commissioner yesterday informing him of their of decision citing personal reasons.

In the early hours of Monday, a UNF's Batticaloa district candidate, Sinnathamby Sunderampillai, was shot dead at the hospital bed in the Batticaloa by unknown gunmen, while he was getting treatment for gunshot injuries. Gunmen also shot dead Ponniah Yogendran, a 35-year old member of the anti-LTTE Tamil group, the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) at his office in Valaichchenai in the eastern Batticaloa district, within a couple of hours.

Although the EPDP has accused the LTTE of being responsible for these two murders, the local LTTE activists have denied involvement. Of the eight-member nomination list for the Batticaloa district, the UNF is now left with 5 members to win five allocated seats.

According to legal sources, even though a candidate announces his withdrawal after filing nominations, his or her name will continue to be in the election list.

Bureau Report