The European Union (EU) has asked India to show ''generosity'' and a sense of historical perspective in facilitating resumption of dialogue with Pakistan and de-escalation of tension.
This was conveyed by Josep Pique, Foreign Minister of Spain which is EU President now, to External Affairs Minister Jaswant Singh during a telephonic conversation on Monday.
He said the EU shared Indian Government's views that the general focus of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf's speech was positive and welcomed this perception, the EU said in a statement on Tuesday.
Expressing appreciation for the interest shown by the EU, Singh reiterated that "for every step that Pakistan takes, the Indian Government is ready to take two."
The minister stressed that India expected the commitments made in the General's speech will be acted upon.
Conveying EU solidarity with India in condemning the December 13 attack on Parliament, he said the Union was unequivocally against any form of terrorism.
The Spanish minister referred to Musharraf's announcemen of banning radical organisations in Pakistan and steps initiated to control Madrasas.
''India should show generosity and a sense of historical perspective in facilitating the resumption of dialogue with Pakistan and de-escalation of the present situation. Bureau Report