Washington, Apr 22: The United States and Singapore, close allies in the war against terror, have called for greater international coordination to dismantle terrorist networks after a deadly bomb attack in Saudi Arabia's capital. US defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld said yesterday it had become a herculean task keeping constant guard against terror attacks in every part of the world, pointing out, "The only choice is to take the battle to the terrorists."
He said there was an imperative need to share intelligence information to locate terrorist networks and "bring all elements of our national power to bear" to stop them from raising money and to prevent their mobility. Rumsfeld spoke to reporters after a pentagon meeting with Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Tony Tan, who serves as coordinating minister for security and defence.
The two, commenting on the blast at a headquarters building of the Saudi security services in the Saudi capital Riyadh, which killed at least four people and wounded 148 others, said they do not expect an immediate end to the terrorist threat.
"It points up, it seems to me, the challenge that responsible civilised countries face," he said. "They have to cooperate very closely and recognise that it is not possible to defend in every place and every moment of the day and night against every conceivable type of attack."
Bureau Report