Kolkata, Mar 08: A drug that enables people to improve their memory is to be tested on humans and could be on sale within five years.
The treatment, nicknamed “Viagra of the mind”, could be used by middle-aged language students, actors learning their lines and musicians. Children may also take it to help them in exams.
Tim Tully, a professor of genetics at Cold Spring Harbour Laboratory in New York, who developed the drug, said: “If it proves safe and effective it could ultimately be used by people who want to learn a language or a musical instrument or even in schools.”
The most important market, however, could be healthy people in their forties and fifties whose memory is deteriorating. “There are an awful lot of people who’d like a drug that could do something about that,” he said.
The drug, code-named HT-0712, helps to retain information in the short-term memory. It works by activating a gene called Creb, contained in every human cell. Once activated, it allows brain cells to make the connections vital for memory formation.
In many people, these memory-forming processes slow with age, leading to forgetfulness. About 15 million Britons are thought to suffer from memory problems.
This summer, 100 people in the US with mild memory loss will receive the drug to test its safety and efficacy. Tully hopes it will help patients to develop improved memories and will compensate for damage done by the early stages of dementia. If the study is successful, larger trials will be carried out with the aim of producing the drug commercially within five to seven years.
Tully said it was too early to predict the cost of the drug or how frequently it could be taken. The decision to carry out research on humans follows successful tests of the drug on fruit flies by Helicon Therapeutics, a research company founded by Tully.
Fruit flies given the drug learnt to avoid noxious chemicals to which they were exposed after only one encounter. Flies that were not given the drug had to be exposed to the chemicals an average of 10 times before learning not to go near them.
Similarly, an oral form of the drug boosted the memory of mice when they were given it 20 minutes before a training exercise or up to 60 minutes afterwards. The animals’ ability to learn was measured by how quickly they came to recognise signals warning of electric shocks.
A rival US company, Memory Pharmaceuticals, is also developing drugs designed to aid memory formation. One of its founders, Eric Kandel, a Nobel prize-winner for his work in the field, said a medical breakthrough seemed imminent.