New Delhi: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan and actress Alia Bhatt are all set to take the silver screen by storm this month with their upcoming film 'Dear Zindagi'. But, before that, the duo is busy promoting the movie in full swing. The 23-year-old star recently took to Twitter to share with her fans a glimpse of 'Dear Zindagi' promotions.


"Promotions with the DEAR one :) @iamsrk #DearZindagi," the 'Student Of The Year' diva tweeted along with an adorable selfie. In the picture, she can be seen sharing the frame with King Khan. 

The image has turned out to be so cute that it is now receiving a lot of love from the Internet users.

The film has been written and directed by Gauri Shinde and jointly produced by Karan Johar's Dharma Productions, SRK's Red Chillies Entertainment and Hope Productions.

'Dear Zindagi' reportedly also features Ali Zafar, Kunal Kapoor, Angad Bedi and Aditya Roy Kapur in prominent roles. It is slated to release on November 25 this year.