New Delhi, May 19: Amid series of allegations and counter allegations in the Nisha Sharma dowry demand case, a city youth organisation today staged a demonstration here demanding a CBI inquiry into the matter. "The admission of Sharmas that Nisha had an affair with one Navneet Rai casts doubt in the whole issue. Therefore, we demand that it should be probed by an independent agency like CBI," Nav Yuvak Rajput Sangathan president Baburam Rajput said addressing the demonstration. Clarifying that his organisation was totally opposed to any dowry demand, rajput said, "At the same time there is no gurantee that Nisha had not called off the marriage because of Navneet." "We demand a fair trial for Munish (the bridegroom) and his family. Guilty must be punished but at the same time innocent should not be deprived of justice," he added. Bureau Report