Washington, July 29: Eating pizza regularly may help prevent cancer, a team of researchers from (where else?) Italy suggest.
The findings appear in the International Journal of Cancer. The authors cite evidence that their countrymen who eat pizza regularly, once a week or more, are less likely to develop cancers of the digestive tract.
When the researchers compared one group of people who had had cancer of the oesophagus with one that had not, for example, they found that almost 58 per cent of the first group were not pizza eaters, while about 37 percent of the second group were.
The benefit, if any, has less to do with pizza than with some of its ingredients, said the lead researcher, Dr Silvano Gallus of the Institute of Pharmacological Research in Milan. Refined carbohydrates in pizza have actually been linked with some cancers. But the tomato sauce and olive oil have been found in some studies to reduce the risk of cancer.
The study noted that the traditional Mediterranean diet over all has been shown to be associated with a reduction in several types of disease.