London, Sept 18: In response to the current upheaval in the Middle East, Saudi Arabia has embarked on a strategic review that includes acquiring nuclear weapons, a leading London daily reported today. This new threat of proliferation in one of the most dangerous regions of the world comes on top of a crisis over Iran's alleged nuclear programme, The Guardian stated.

It said a strategy paper being considered at the highest levels in Riyadh sets out three options: to acquire a nuclear capability as a deterrent; to maintain or enter into an alliance with an existing nuclear power that would offer protection and to try to reach a regional agreement on having a nuclear-free Middle East. Until now, the assumption in Washington was that Saudi Arabia was content to remain under the US nuclear umbrella. But the relationship between Saudi Arabia and the US has steadily worsened since the September 11 attacks on New York and Washington: 15 of the 19 attackers were Saudi. The report stated that it is not known whether Saudi Arabia has taken a decision on any of the three options. But the fact that it is prepared to contemplate the nuclear option is a "worrying" development United Nations officials and nuclear arms analysts said the Saudi review reflected profound insecurities due to the volatility in the Middle East, Riyadh's estrangement with Washington and the weakening of its reliance on the us nuclear umbrella.

They pointed to the Saudi worries about an Iranian programme and to the absence of any international pressure on Israel, which has an estimated 200 nuclear devices.
Bureau Report