Srinagar, June 22: Jammu and Kashmir government is planning to reorient the planning process with monitoring as its essential component to ensure proper utilization of funds and avoid haphazard development in the state. Public representatives would have to play a vital role in the planning and execution of developmental programmes, finance and planning minister Muzaffar Hussain Baig said in the state legislative council on its concluding day.

Replying to a discussion in the house regarding associating members of the upper house in the development and plan process at state and district level, Baig said the whole plan and monitoring process was being refurbished with a wider role for legislator in the implementation process.

He said after the allotment of funds to each district, the concerned public representatives would be asked to identify the priority areas in each sector to ensure rationalized development.
Baig said that the whole planning process was being reoriented to avoid distribution of funds in a haphazard manner, and the planning department has been asked to formulate a developmental map of the whole state and identify the priority areas to be taken care of in the next five years.

Once the thrust areas were identified, the concerned legislators would be informed about the works to be taken up in their constituencies during next five years, he said, adding this would ensure not only rationalized development of all the regions of the state but would also help in proper monitoring of the schemes.
Bureau Report