Kathmandu, Sept 05: Some 260 people, including students and leaders of Nepal's five major political parties, were arrested today when they tried to stage a demonstration in defiance of a government ban, witnesses said. The demonstration, during which students shouted anti-monarchy slogans and burnt copies of the Local Administration Act-2028 under which the government issued the ban, was staged in the exhibition road section of the capital.

It drew angry students from the city's Balmiki, Ratna Rajya, Nepal law and Bishwabhasa campuses, witnesses said. Students said the action was called to protest against the arrests on Wednesday and Thursday of around 150 fellow students at the city's Tri-Chandra Campus during similar protests.

As on Thursday when a massive demonstration was held in central Kathmandu, troops and riot police flooded the main streets of central Kathmandu, stopping vehicles and urging residents not to go near the demonstration areas.

The demonstration was organized by Nepal's five major political parties, which have been staging months of protests to pressure King Gyanendra to reinstate the elected government he dismissed in October 2002. Bureau Report