Mumbai, June 12: Shiv Sena Supremo Bal Thackeray today said, “The ruling Democratic Front (DF) coalition as well as opposition saffron combine were evenly poised and a solitary vote could tilt the balance in the trial of strength in Maharashtra Assembly tomorrow.” “The strength of the ruling front as well as the opposition is equal and a mere one vote going the other way can make the difference,” Thackeray told a press conference here. Asked whether he was not confident of defeating the trust motion, the Sena Chief said, “ Hamne pasa feka hain. dekhenge kya hota hain (we have thrown a dice and now let us see what happens).
But in the same breath he went on to add, “ I do not get suffocated without power... Forget about number game and enjoy wine...”
“There is no harm in giving it a try (to topple the DF regime),” he said.

Bureau Report