San Jose, Sept 18: Intel Corp., the world`s largest semiconductor maker, on Wednesday unveiled a new power-saving chipset for laptop computers and said it would begin shipping its next-generation wireless chips in the fourth-quarter. The new 855 GME chipset, or group of microchips designed to work together on specific functions, offers better graphics and can reduce the power consumed by a computer display by up to about 25 percent, Anand Chandrasekher, vice president of Intel`s Mobile Platforms Group, said at the Intel Developer Forum. Meanwhile, Intel`s next version of its wireless chip, code-named "Dothan," will have 140 million transistors and 2 megabytes cache for higher resolution and better speed than today`s Pentium M, he said.
Dothan chips, which will be included as part of Intel`s Centrino products for wireless networking, are expected to begin shipping to computer makers in the fourth-quarter of this year, he said.
The new product roll-outs come as Intel increasingly introduces chips for specialized markets such as wireless Internet access and computer gaming as as well as chips that promise better performance and lower power consumption for cell phones, laptops and personal digital assistants.
Bureau Report