Washington, Dec 30: The United States has reacted coolly to an apparent signal by North Korea that it was now ready to join delayed six-nation talks on the crisis sparked by its drive for nuclear weapons.
China told the US government through its embassy in Beijing in recent days that Pyongyang was ready to join the talks early next year, after a deadlock scotched hopes for a resumption of dialogue in December, officials said yesterday.
But there was little optimism here following weeks of diplomatic jockeying for position with Pyongyang ahead of an eventual meeting.
"We would like to get talks started as soon as possible without preconditions," said State Department deputy spokesman Adam Ereli.
"It's a complex diplomatic effort that requires patience and does not lend itself to, sort of, flights of exuberance," he said, explaining the measured US response to China's reports of North Korea's willingness to talk.

US officials showed signs of puzzlement at the announcement, and were unwilling to say what they thought would mean a prompt return to the negotiating table.

"Frankly I don't know what it means," said one senior official on condition of anonymity, referring to previous North Korean offers to return to the table that were followed by new demands.

The White House, which has taken a stern line with Stalinist North Korea reiterated the US line that Washington was ready for talks any time, anywhere.

Bureau Report