Six year old Parul who turned up for the R-Day parade patiently got herself frisked every five metres before entry into the viewer's gallery. But at the last stop, she finally asked what the hullabaloo was about?
Her mother calmly told her that that the drill was to keep away the terrrorists, who might enter the venue in the garb of "common people like us."

Pat came the next question, "what's a terrorist ma?", making it difficult for the mother to give an easy answer and describe what a terrorist looked like. Parul, interestingly, had turned up to see what she described as "Public Day".

Nothing was left to chance at the lawns of the Boat Club, which were turned into a veritable fortress for the R-Day parade. The fairer sex, in fact, ended up in longer queues as women were subjected to intense checking, including their heeled shoes. No 'fair' concessions this time. Terrorists managed to sneak into the venue, but only in pictures. Posters of the most wanted were liberally pasted on the barricades for a 'last minute check' to keep the spoilsports away. Bureau Report