The US has said that it constantly updates lists of terrorist organisations, visa denials and financial penalties linked to the war against terrorism.
People may be confused by all the different lists. There is a list of Foreign Terrorist Organisations (FTO), which we updated a month ago. That currently stands at 28 FTOs. There is the list of people who are subject to financial controls under (the president's) executive order 132... And there was a lot of Al Qaeda organisations, associated businesses. We added the FTO to them on Friday, State department spokesman Richard Boucher told reporters on Monday.
He said, “We will continue to update periodically the list of companies, organisations, individuals associated with Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups. And then there are the people and individuals that are on our lookout list... So there are different lists in different ways.
The foreign terrorist organisation list is the one that potentially we could add organisations to it. But that we reviewed recently. There are other things that we will keep looking at for that, Boucher said.

Bureau Report