Kuala Lumpur, Nov 24: With its new theme 'Malaysia Truly Asia' catching on, Malaysian tourism is now focusing its attention on India. "We feel India is a promising market. Last year we had 1,80,000 tourists from India which became one of the top ten countries from where maximum tourists visited Malaysia in 2002," Mohamed Taib Ibrahim, deputy director, International Promotion Division of Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, said.

Ibrahim told visiting Indian journalists that through its offices in New Delhi, Mumbai and Chennai, the board is launching mega promotional programmes with greater focus on regional markets. Explaining the theme 'Malaysia Truly Asia', the Malaysian tourism minister Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir says "This amalgam of Malay, Chinese and Indian - three of Asia's greatest civilisations - plus some ethnic minorities and cultural influences of the Dutch, Protuguese, Thai and British gives Malaysia its uniqueness and colour as it stands out from the region".

Bureau Report