Washington, June 11: The US Army is looking into complaints from more than 50 women that one of its officers recently posted in Afghanistan had proposed to them but failed to marry them. Army officer, Col Kassem Saleh, whose recent assignment was in Afghanistan, had proposed to the women in question through the Internet.

"Through his busy romantic efforts, mostly through Internet, the duped women maintain, he managed to attract someone each of the 50 states of the United States, including Alaska and Hawaii, and two in Canada," the 'New York Times' said.

The women range in age from 33 to 57. A few actually met him in person.

One of the scorned women, Robin Solod (43) said that Saleh wrote her "the most intoxicating love letters."

Solod said he told her that he had been divorced ten years ago and had not had a relationship since. Another woman said he referred to himself as the "warrior monk, because he had not had sex in ten years. He was waiting for the one perfect woman."

Some of the women said they had received engagement rings and were actually planning weddings.

Bureau Report