India and Pakistan should resolve their dispute over Kashmir with talks similar to the forthcoming conference on Afghanistan, a senior Kashmiri leader said on Saturday.
"When warring Afghan factions can meet in Bonn, why can't a similar conference to find a solution to Kashmir be held in Delhi, Islamabad or any neutral venue," said Javed Mir, vice president of the Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF).
The UN conference on the future of Afghanistan begins in Germany early next week. "India and Pakistan should see reason and concentrate on resolving the perplexed issue (of Kashmir) after peace is restored in Afghanistan," Mir said. "It is the best time for both the countries to end hostilities and start a meaningful dialogue," he added.
Mir said leaders of both the Indian and Pakistani-zones of Kashmir should be involved in any talks. "Without the participation of the Kashmir leadership, no solution can be reached," he said.
"We had no option, but to resort to the gun as no one was giving heed to our plight," said Mir. "Now I think our job is done. The Kashmir issue is out of cold storage, and everyone in the world talks of it." "We are peace-loving people and that is why my group declared unilateral truce in 1994."
Bureau Report