Ahmedabad, July 07: Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani today said that infiltration from across the border has come down but not fully stopped.
“We will take our own time to assess infiltration from across the border,” he said.

Advani said the United States has also been informed that infiltration had not been completely stopped.
Addressing a press conference here, the deputy premier said that it was not easy to assess the extent of infiltration but the information about ultras crossing over to India was known when infiltrators were either caught or confronted by security forces.

Referring to the double-talk of Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf, Advani said, “When he (Musharraf) came to Agra for the summit he spoke something else and now he is speaking something different.”
On joint patrolling, he said that the matter has ended with Pakistan rejecting India`s proposal.
To a question, Advani said that the terrorist activities in Jammu and Kashmir were from across the border and the Centre has been successful in checking during the last four years.
Bureau Report