The United States has described the meeting between Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and President George W Bush as very positive, very productive.
The Prime Minister told the President that India stands shoulder to shoulder with the United States. The discussions were very positive, very productive, Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, who was present for part of the Bush-Vajpayee meeting, told reporters. Asked about their discussions on the Kashmir issue, he said on the topic of Kashmir, the president believes that it is very important for both parties to engage in a peaceful dialogue, to have a peaceful resolution of any of the disputes involving Kashmir. That is the President's message.
On whether Vajpayee raised the issue of cross-border terrorism sponsored by Pakistan, he said the President has made it very clear to India -- has said it repeatedly, he said it publicly, he said it privately -- he condemned the October 1 attack (on the Jammu and Kashmir Legislative Assembly), and I think the Prime Minister understands the President's position. To a question if there was any hint of concern on the part of India on the growing ties between the US and Pakistan, Fleischer said no, it was a very positive discussion.
He said Bush and Secretary of State Colin Powell had made it clear to Vajpayee and Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf the importance of promoting stability in the region.
And both nations understand the importance of winning this war against terrorism and both nations have supported the US and the President is gratified by that, He said. Bureau Report