New Delhi, Aug 16: Carrying forward the latest trend of 'crossover' films in Bollywood, a dark comedy featuring an array of stars, including Hollywood hearthrob Bo Derek and supermodel Padmalakshmi would hit cinema halls across the world next month. The film -- Boom -- which has already generated a stir in film circles for its star cast, is awaiting censor certificate for its Hindi version following which it will be premiered in London. "We will be releasing 700 prints of the film worldwide, which is unprecedented in the history of Indian cinema," Boom's director Kaizad Gustad told a news agency here today. Apart from Bo Derek re-enacting a film from her previous movie "Ten" in a golden saree, the other highlights of the film include Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan as 'Bade Miyan' (big brother) essaying the role of an underworld don who is fond of reading comics.

The film also stars Jackie Shroff, whose wife is co-producing the film, Gulshan Grover, Seema Biswas and Katrina Kaif and Madhu Sapre.

"I always wanted to do a film with Kaizad and am very excited about my role in the movie, which in unlike any other I have done earlier," said Jackie Shroff at press conference today.

Boom also marks a re-entry into the Tinselville of the hot sensation of yesteryears Zeenat Aman.

The film, to be released both in Hindi and English, is an action packed ride through the worlds of fashion and underworld. Bureau Report