In a global crackdown, the US government on Wednesday moved to freeze assets of Osama bin Laden's financial networks in at least nine countries including the United States, where ties to the terrorist mastermind were found in four states. The names of 62 entities and people were added to a list of suspected terrorist associates targeted by President George W. Bush in an executive order signed last month. He planned to announce the new cases at the treasury department soon.
The new list of targeted entities, provided by the treasury department, covers groups and people affiliated with two suspected bin laden financial networks - Al Taqua and Al-Barakaat. Both are informal, largely unregulated money exchanges - often called hawalas - that authorities believe funnel money to Al-Qaida through companies and nonprofit organizations they operate. The Al-Barakaat organization has ties in several countries, including the United States. The order cites affiliated organizations in Minnesota, Massachusetts, Ohio and Washington.
Bureau Report