New York, June 06: Protesting against an editorial in a leading US daily that accused the Indian leadership of talking "recklessly about potential nuclear exchanges," the Indian embassy in US said the country has always shown restraint in the face of extreme provocation by Pakistan. "Indian statements have always abjured the use of such weapons in keeping with its policy of no-first-use and maintaining a minimum credible deterrent," Navtej Sarna, Minister (Press) at the Indian embassy in Washington, said in a letter to The New York Times.

In an editorial "South Asia's Hair Trigger" on June 4, the Times, while discussing nuclear options in the region had said, "Unfortunately, India's current political leaders have shown little sense of responsibility or restraint."

Rejecting its contention as "unjustified aspersion on India's political leadership," the letter said India had never "talked recklessly about potential nuclear exchanges" and its restraint has been "amply demonstrated, including during the Kargil intrusion by Pakistan in 1999." Bureau Report