New Delhi, Aug 07: Scientists in the United States have discovered a molecule which has been found to lower the blood sugar levels in diabetic mice, a development which may help controlling diabetes in future. A team of scientists led by Joseph Grippo and Joseph Grimsby at the Hoffmann-la Roche in new jersey discovered a molecule which activates an enzyme called 'Glucokinase'. The enzyme is important in the manifestation of diabetes.

The researchers tested the activator on islet cells, the pancreatic cells that secrete insulin. The drug coaxed rat islet cells to release insulin even when glucose levels were not that high. It could help diabetics who produce too little of insulin, a report in journal 'Science' said.

The drug acted on the rat liver cells too. When exposed to the drug, they released less glucose than usual, easing another major problem of diabetes patients, the report said.
Further studies confirmed that the activator was targeting ‘Glucokinase’ in both pancreas and liver cells.

Insulin is a hormone that shuttles glucose into cells. When the pancreas produces too little insulin or the body does not respond to it properly, cells do not absorb enough glucose and blood sugar levels go high.

There is no perfect therapy for this condition, but most drugs tackle the problem either by increasing insulin production or enhancing cell's sensitivity to insulin. In severe cases, patients rely on insulin injection, it said. The condition damages blood vessels and other tissues, the report said.
Bureau Report