New Delhi, June 16: In an effort to boost India`s exports to Singapore, the Exports Inspection Council of India is in talks with Singaporean government for recognition of its conformity assessment in food, electronics and telecom equipment. "The council is talking to Singaporean authorities for recognition of its conformity assessment for food, electronics, electrical and telecom appliances exports for which a study team is going to Singapore," Anil Jauhri, adviser, Exports Inspection Council of India said here.

EIC provides certifications to exporters based on international standards for which it has agreements with its counterpart agencies in the importing countries, thus saving the exporters the trouble related to rejections and recalls.

This exercise of mutual recognition of standards is being undertaken based on the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA) planned by both the countries.

As part of the exercise, a meeting was recently held last month in New Delhi and a similar meeting is being planned in Singapore in the first week of July.

EIC had recently entered into such an agreement with Japan for electronic appliances and toys, Korea for food requirements and Sri Lanka for electronic goods.

The council, which is the official guarantor of international standards of quality, has been recently empanelled by tea board to prepare norms for exports as part of the latters` efforts to introduce voluntary certification for tea exports to meet international standards.

Bureau Report