Beijing, Nov 16: Despite the current "Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai" and the just-concluded Sino-Indian joint naval exercises, a top Indian naval officer's request to visit the Combat Information Centre of a Chinese warship was politely turned down by the People's Liberation Army navy.

Flag officer commanding of the Eastern Command of the Indian Navy, Vice Admiral O P Bansal, during a visit to a Chinese frigate, 'Jia Xing' asked the commander of the Shanghai naval base, Rear Admiral Xu Jiwei whether he could visit the CIC, the nerve centre where battle plans are worked out.
Xu, through an interpreter informed Bansal that he was not authorised to open the CIC to the Indian navy.
When asked to comment on the Chinese refusal to open up the CIC, the Flag Officer Commanding, Eastern Fleet, Rear Admiral R P Suthan told that it would have been good if the Chinese had acceded to the request.
Asked whether the Indian Navy would be willing to open the CIC of its warships, Suthan said: "well we really don't mind opening up, but it is all based on reciprocity. It would have been nice if they had shown us the CIC. But we have no hassles," he said.
Bureau Report