Geneva, May 30: Up to 3,000 people demonstrated here today in front of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) and the United Nations buildings here ahead of this weekend's G8 summit in the nearby French town of Evian. Some protestors, shouting "Putin murderer, free the Chechens" had thrown stones at the Russian mission close to the UN's European headquarters and broken windows.

Anti-riot police withdrew to avoid a confrontation.

The demonstrators included Britons, Swiss and Germans shouting anti-globalisation slogans directed at Sunday's start of a three-day summit of the leaders of the world's eight most industrialised countries in Evian.

They shouted "no border, no deportation" and "no to the occupation of Iraq".

"We are here to defend asylum-seekers. Why can money pass through borders but not asylum-seekers," said one British demonstrator, who declined to be named.

Bureau Report