New Delhi, Jan 15: Unmindful of protests by Pakistan, Army chief Gen N C Vij today said India would go ahead with the fencing work along the 590-km stretch from the Chenab river to the Gurez sector in Jammu and Kashmir. Sixty per cent of the work has already been completed and the remaining would be over by the end of May, he said at the Army Day parade here.
Observing that the gigantic work, being backed by thermal and ground sensors, has ensured a substantial reduction in infiltration, he said, "Much greater efforts are already underway and hopefully we will be able to curtail infiltration to a large extent."
He said, in fact, in Jammu and Kashmir while on the one hand vigorous counter-terrorism operations are underway which are leading to a large number of terrorists being killed, the Army was making efforts to win the hearts and minds of local population.
Through the welfare measures and sympathetic approach, the "tide has turned in our favour" in Kashmir, he said. Bureau Report