New Delhi, Sept 23: A click of the mouse away, slimming now has a fat chance, thanks to a large number of online clinics, which are offering quick weight loss plans, and that for little or no pennies at all. The online weight loss clinics, most of them operating from outside India, offer everything from a dining guide for weight loss to a weight gain program. They also give detailed personal experiences of people who have successfully lost weight through these programmes.

Thus while a website claims it is possible to lose 10 to 18 pounds in six weeks for less than 25 dollar, another offers loss of upto 20 pounds. It even claims that millions of people all over the world are using the easy-to-follow plan all over the world.
"If you have tried all kinds of demanding diets and quick fix gimmicks, you will be glad to know that at the heart of our plan is a simple and easy online planner that works with you and your desire to eat... And not against it," claims another website on weight loss.

However, doctors here caution against these online programmes saying "these are generalised and not customised treatments which cannot hold true for one and all."

"Online weight loss plans are based on a particular set pattern which cannot work for everyone. While these websites do ask for certain parameters like weight, height etc, but what we need to understand is that weight loss depends on body mass which may differ in two individuals with same weight," says Sashi Mathur, sr dietician, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
Bureau Report