Lucknow, July 09: The All India Muslim Persoanl Law Board (AIMPLB) has sent a letter to the Kanchi seer Jayendra Saraswathi explaining the reasons for rejecting his proposal to resolve the Ayodhya dispute. The AIMPLB president, Maulana Rabey Hasni Nadvi, sent the letter to the Kanchi seer yesterday along with a copy of the resolution passed by the board at its working committee meeting on Sunday last informing him that his proposal was rejected unanimously by the board, board sources here said.
The letter said Shankaracharya`s second proposal "was not even worth considering as it was merely a repeat of the Sangh Parivar`s demand on the temple issue and seemed totally unreasonable," sources said. The board had been optimistic that a way could be found to resolve the dispute through negotiations on the basis of the first proposal of the seer and therefore had convened the meeting but the second proposal sent by him was against the salient features of the proposals in the first one, sources said. Quoting from the resolution, the letter stated that the second letter of the seer did contain "a veiled threat" to the Muslim community to surrender the disputed site in Ayodhya and mentally prepare themselves for giving up their claims on Kashi and Mathura, sources said. Bureau Report