New Delhi, Aug 18: Moving its first no-confidence motion against the BJP-led coalition, the Opposition in the Lok Sabha today came down heavily on the government accusing it of jeopardising the nation`s security and defence. Though the motion, moved by the leader of the Opposition Sonia Gandhi, poses no real threat to the four-year old government in its second term, the debate on it often turned acrimonious with a combative Gandhi charging the government with failure on all fronts.

After the two-day debate, the motion would be put to vote tomorrow evening following Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee`s intervention.

Initiating the debate, Gandhi said the days of the BJP-led coalition were numbered and charged the government with weakening national security, wrecking social harmony, subverting the secular character of the education system and destroying probity in administration and public life.

She also alleged that the government had denigrated key institutions of parliamentary democracy and undermined independence of foreign policy.

Fielding Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani as the first speaker, the treasury benches hit back saying Gandhi had presented a picture to the world that only condemned and hurt India`s image. He gave a number of examples claiming the country has been recognised by the world for its achievements in various spheres.

During the debate, the Opposition differences on boycott of Defence Minister George Fernandes came to the fore with Left Parties and RJD members walking out during Fernandes speech while Congress lifted its boycott, at least for the day.

Accusing the Prime Minister of being "master of double speak", Gandhi said Vajpayee so often had "said and clarified" on issues of social harmony that it has become difficult to know what he precisely believed whether it is Ayodhya or Gujarat.

"It is not at all clear whether what he says is a true reflection of his views or a calculated ruse to camouflage the destructive agenda of his brotherhood," she said.

On the issue that rocked Parliament and virtually brought this no confidence motion, Gandhi asked the Prime Minister why his government was "impeding" the functioning of the Public Accounts Committee by its "stubborn refusal" to give PAC the CVC report that has examined some transactions relating to Kargil.

Advani, in his intervention, said the Opposition has failed to name its leader who could replace Vajpayee as Prime Minister.

Recalling Opposition failure to provide an alternative government in 1999 when Vajpayee government fell, he said let there be a provision under which the name of the alternative leader should be made known before such a motion was moved.

Former Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar surprised the Opposition declaring that he would not support the motion since he said it has been brought with an eye on the coming assembly elections.

However, he shared Gandhi`s view that the Prime Minister was inconsistent in his statements. He said he would abstain from voting on the motion.

CPI-M veteran Somnath Chatterjee accused the government of being communal and hit out at the allies for supporting the BJP. He asked the allies to quit the NDA because BJP was raking up contentious issues.
He wanted to know from the Prime Minister why George Fernandes was re-inducted as Defence Minister when he had quit after Tehelka expose asserting he would return only if he is exonerated by the commission of inquiry.

Chatterjee said the no-confidence motion was the only way of getting the Prime Minister to the House.

SP leader Mulayam Singh Yadav described the BJP-led coalition as government of national shame and incompetence.
Trinamool congress leader Mamata Banerjee charged the Opposition with "sleeping" for four years and bringing the motion to reap political benefits.

Stating that Opposition was disunited, she said Opposition parties other than Congress did not accept Gandhi as the leader or project her as the prime ministerial candidate.

Bureau Report