Chennai, Nov 27: LTTE supremo V Prabhakaran has been told by the European Union that the international community expected him to concentrate on peace negotiations in Sri Lanka, EU's external relations Commissioner Chris Patten said today. Patten, who met Prabhakaran in Killinochi in the rebel-held northern Sri Lanka, told reporters that he had impressed on the LTTE supremo that the peace process should continue.
The impression one gained from the talks with Prabhakaran was that all the major political players in the island nation were "committed" to successful negotiations to bring peace, he said.

Patten said the world expected from the LTTE that it should hold negotiations for a "federal solution". Accompanied by an EU delegation, Patten, who arrived here today, later called on Tamil Nadu Governor P S Ramamohan Rao. It was described as a courtesy call.

Bureau Report