New Delhi, Mar 13: Agitated opposition members in the Lok Sabha today demanded a CBI probe into alleged collection of Rs 8,000 crore by VHP for construction of a Ram Temple in Ayodhya. Raising the issue during Zero Hour, Ramjilal Suman (Samajwadi Party) accused VHP of indulging in "loot" in the name of temple construction. Amidst protest by BJP member Adityanath, Suman said even the revered Shankaracharya of Badrikashram had demanded an investigation into the collection of huge funds by VHP which had allegedly called for rupee one per brick to be used for building the temple. Supporting him, Lok Janshakti leader Ram Vilas Paswan and Congress chief whip P R Dasmunsi said VHP was misleading the entire country in the name of temple construction and hoodwinking lakhs of innocent devotees.

Bureau Report