Alarmed over the increasing instances of foreign nationals with fake passports hoodwinking the authorities, the City Immigration Wing officials have launched a drive against fake sureties and advocates, who have helped the offenders to escape the clutches of law.
As many as 13 foreign nationals, especially from Sri Lanka and Nepal, have gone “missing” or escaped to their respective countries by jumping bail with fake sureties. Recently, the police have registered a complaint against a person, who gave surety to a Sri Lankan national and helped him escape from the country after cheating the court. How do they operate? The following instance best explains the modus operandi of the accused persons, advocates and the sureties:
Ashok Anand, a Sri Lankan national, was caught at the Kaula Lumpur International Airport on May 11 by the Canadian authorities while travelling with forged passport to Canada. He was travelling in the name of one Vijay Sundaram Vetha Murthy by inserting his photograph on the latter’s passport. He had paid Rs 60,000 to get his passport forged through his brother in Canada. The visa was issued by the office of Consulate General of India in Canada. After tracing him, the Canadian authorities deported him back to Bangalore. He was remanded to judicial custody by the local court in the City.