New Delhi, Sept 08: The RSS has attacked those opposing the visit to India of Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon saying the same people advocate friendship with Pakistan and hesitate to voice this country's suffering while on a visit to the neighbouring country. Strongly supporting the move to improve relations with Israel, pro-RSS 'Panchajanya' in an editorial said Israeli Prime Minister's visit would strengthen both the countries campaign against terrorism.
It said Israel had helped India in difficult times but it should not be assumed that India was hosting the visit at the cost of Palestinians and other Arab countries.
India values its traditional relations with the Arab world, the editorial said noting many middle eastern countries have advocated improving relations with Israel.
It said Israel had been helpful in providing green cover in Rajasthan and trade relations between the two countries had registered considerable improvement.
Israel had effectively countered Islamic terrorism and its expertise could certainly be of help to India, it added. Bureau Report