Dubai, Nov 26: Popular satellite news stations al-Jazeera and al-Arabiya today dismissed allegations by US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld that the networks were cooperating with Iraqi militants in taping attacks on coalition troops. In a Pentagon new conference yesterday Rumsfeld and his top military adviser, Gen. Richard Myers, said they had evidence the two networks were invited by insurgents to witness and videotape attacks on American troops as part of psychological warfare used by remnants of the Baathist government.

The two networks told the allegations were untrue.

"The only comment we have is that he (Rumsfeld) has to show the evidence," said Salah Negm, al-Arabiya's editor-in-chief. "We have never broadcast tapes of attacks during their happening, it was always the aftermath. We arrive there at the scene like everyone else."

Negm said the fact that his station covers the aftermath of attacks on coalition troops does not indicate it has any cooperation with Iraqi insurgents.

Al-Jazeera spokesman Jihad Ballout said it is not the first time that high-ranking US officials have made allegations against the station, and no proof was ever given. Bureau Report