New Delhi, Jan 31: The Panun Kashmir, a frontal organisation of displaced Kashmiri Pandits, today urged Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani to intervene and pressurise the Jammu and Kashmir government to withdraw its ''draconian'' order asking employees of the displaced community to report back to their parental department in the Valley. ''We are seeking an appointment with Mr Advani on the issue. We will urge him to use his good offices to press upon the Mufti Mohammad Sayeed to revoke its recent order,'' Panun Kashmir Convenor Dr Agnishekhar told a news agency here.
He said the situation was ''most inhospitable'' for the Kashmiri Pandits to return to the Valley at the moment. Dr Agnishekhar said the Panun Kashmir held an emergency meeting here today to take a stock of the situation in the wake of the state government order.

''Instead of putting its full attention and focus on creating conducive atmosphere in the valley, the government is using coercive measures to harass the displaced employees.

It is also exhibiting its insensitivity towards the overall minority community by deliberately keeping the already victimised community out of its much-hyped healing touch policy,'' he charged.

''If the Jammu and Kashmir government does not withdraw the draconian order immediately, we will be compelled to come to streets and fight its anti-Pandit policies,'' Dr Agnishekhar said.

''We express our deep shock over the arbitrary manner in which the state government was trying to dislodge the displaced Pandit families who are now in the 15th year of their forced exile,'' he said. Bureau Report