Vienna, Nov 26: The UN nuclear watchdog unanimously condemned Iran today for two decades of covert nuclear activities but did not recommend that Tehran be sent to the UN Security Council to face possible sanctions. "The draft resolution (on Iran) has just been adopted by consensus," Mark Gwozdecky told reporters shortly after the 35-nation board of directors of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) met in Vienna.
Iran immediately hailed the resolution as "an achievement for the Islamic Republic of Iran," saying it showed that Iran's nuclear program was strictly for civilian means.
But IAEA chief Mohamed Elbaradei warned the resolution was meant as "a very serious and ominous message" for Iran to comply with international regulations in the future.
US ambassador to the IAEA Kenneth Brill told the board that Washington, which accuses Tehran of secretly developing nuclear weapons, felt that any future violations by Iran of nuclear safeguards would necessitate "an immediate report to the UN Security Council”. Bureau Report