New Delhi, Feb 20: Deputy Prime Minister L K Advani today strongly advocated reformation of the judicial system, asserting that without this the security problem of the country would be difficult to address.
Inaugurating an international conference on "Lok Adalat as a mechanism of alternative dispute resolution" here Advani emphasised the need for finding alternative means of redressal of disputes.
"Judicial reforms is bothersome, but it is related to the security issue of the country," he said, adding "unless criminal justice system ensures that a wrong-doer is punished, we cannot deal with the security problem effectively." He underlined that police forces also need to function in such a manner that common people are not hesitant to approach a police station with complaint.

"How can a criminal be punished if people don't complain," he asked.
Maintaining that the "present situation has to change" Advani expressed confidence that like economic reforms and electoral reforms, changes will take place in judiciary also.
He noted that the courts in the country were over-burdened with cases and favoured alternative means to dispose these of.

In some nations, 95 percent of cases are disposed of through alternate means which is not the situation here, he said.

Bureau Report