Kolkata, May 31: Trinamool Congress chief Mamata Banerjee tonight asserted that her party's alliance with BJP would not suffer a blow despite the recent controversy over the ministerial reshuffle at the Centre. "People living in the same house often have discords. But that does not mean, they change addresses every day. Similarly, in politics, one does not change colours daily," Banerjee said at a public meeting in support of BJP candidate Ashok Sinha for the Vidyasagar assembly by-poll scheduled on June eight.
The TC supremo said the recent controversy over the reshuffle might have left many of her party workers sad and unhappy but they should remember that even a 'cup and a dish have clashes' when placed together.
Banerjee said misunderstandings existing between the two parties would be sorted out through discussion and affirmed that she would not allow the Congress and the CPI(M) to make political capital out of it.
"We don't come to the world only to become ministers. One can serve the people without becoming a minister," she said.
Banerjee also lavished praise on the present state BJP leadership saying, "we have very good relations now. There is no difference between us." Bureau Report