Colombo, June 26: Sri Lanka was preparing a new proposal on setting up an interim administrative council as demanded by rebel Tamil Tigers in exchange for ending their boycott of peace talks, a senior minister said today. Constitutional Affairs Minister G.L. Peiris, who is also the government's chief peace negotiator, said a draft proposal for an interim administrative structure would be sent to the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) within two weeks.
"What we are sending is not a final document, but something that explains the basic substance of a provisional administrative structure," Peiris said. "After taking inputs from LTTE we will decide on a final document," he said without divulging the contents of the proposal.
It was not immediately clear if it would be acceptable to LTTE which made it clear to Norwegian peace brokers this week that they did not intend to offer any inputs, but were only waiting for the government to make an offer. Peace talks ran aground when LTTE announced on April 21 that it was suspending negotiations to protest government's "failure" to deliver on promises made at six rounds of talks that began in September last year. Bureau Report