Washington, Oct 30: Both India and Pakistan are to be blamed for the impasse over Kashmir issue, US Assistant Secretary of State Christina Rocca said yesterday. "The fault is to be found on both sides," said Rocca, testifying before the US House of Representatives' Committee on International Relations, subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific and international terrorism, non-proliferation and human rights.

The US policy, she said, is to "encourage them to sit down and resolve their differences." At the same time she emphasized that the US is a close ally of both India and Pakistan. Rocca's effort to put both India and Pakistan on the same boat drew a spirited retort from Democratic member from American Samoa Eni F H Faleomavaega, who pointed out that Indians are not crossing the Line of Control to carry out terrorist acts in Pakistan as the Pakistan-based terrorists are doing across the LoC in India.

Chairman of the subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific, Republican Congressman James A Leach, said: "It is self-evident that Pakistan is a vital linchpin in the campaign against terrorism. Nonetheless, many of us remain concerned that more needs to be done to ensure that Pakistani military and intelligence forces are fully committed to preventing jihadists from carrying out their grievous attacks in Afghanistan and Kashmir." Bureau Report