New Delhi, Oct 10: Even as the number of people showing symptoms of dengue continued to swell, Delhi government today claimed it was well prepared to contain the spread of the disease in the metropolis. "About 500 fogging machines and 200 garun pump would be used to spray anti-mosquito chemicals across the city," city health minister A K Walia said today.

He also said about 700 fresh recruitments have been made to handle the situation in the Capital. About 25,000 houses would be covered under the spray campaign every day.
The Municipal Corporation of Delhi has also tied up with Delhi fire service and would use their fire and water tenders for high powered sprays across the city to kill mosquitoes which is the main source of spread of the disease, director, health services at MCD K N Tiwari told news agencies.

"Seven such tenders were used yesterday to spray anti-larva chemicals and MCD would deploy about 40 such tenders considering the gravity of the problem," he said.
Spraying would be intensified in the pockets from where large number of cases are being reported, he said adding, out of 618 cases reported in the city 448 cases were from Delhi, while 155 cases have been reported from outside the city.
Among the zones which have reported high incidence of dengue cases central zone tops the list with 96 cases, south (48), Shahadara north (47), Shahadara South, Civil Lines and Rohini (42 each), Najafgarh and Karol Bagh 26 and 25 respectively, he said.
Bureau Report