Putrajaya, Malaysia, Oct 17: Despite a new Security Council resolution authorising a multinational force for Iraq, Pakistan is not yet in a position to contribute troops, President Pervez Musharraf said today. "We have been saying all along that there are certain preconditions required before we contribute troops to Iraq," he told a news conference on the sidelines of a summit of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC).

"One, that the people of Iraq must show desire for Muslim troops, or Pakistani troops."

"Secondly, that other Muslim countries should show a desire and should be willing to participate in sending troops to Iraq."
Musharraf said if these conditions were met public opinion in Pakistan, which is strongly against committing troops to Iraq, would change.

"Merely the passage of the United Nations Security Council resolution has not brought about any change in this environment."

"Until and unless there is a change in this environment, we cannot make a decision to send troops to Iraq," Musharraf said.
Bureau Report