Seoul, Apr 22: North Korea today threatened to reject South Korea's participation in future six-nation talks on the North's nuclear weapons development, if Seoul keeps supporting US demands that Pyongyang first dismantle the nuclear programmes. The North slammed South Korea as "a spokesman for the US" that is causing "grave provocation" by siding with Washington, according to the North's official KCNA news agency.
It quoted the north's secretariat of the committee for the peaceful reunification of the fatherland.
Washington and Seoul say North Korea must begin dismantling its nuclear programmes in a complete, verifiably and irreversible manner before receiving economic or energy aid. Pyongyang wants aid extended, simultaneously with a nuclear freeze, as a first step toward dismantlement.
The KCNA dispatch warned South Korea against "dancing to the tune of outside forces."
"If the South Korean authorities want to take part in the negotiation as a member of the six-way talks in the future, too, and remain a partner of inter-Korean dialogue and cooperation, they should ... Take the independent stand for achieving peace and reunification of the country," it said.
The threat came a day after the north's reclusive leader, Kim Jong Il, concluded a secretive visit to Beijing. Kim told Chinese leaders he's committed to ending the nuclear dispute through dialogue, and agreed to continue six-nation nuclear talks, China's official Xinhua news agency said.
Bureau Report