Manila, Aug 01: Prosecutors today indicted 321 soldiers and junior officers suspected of involvement in last weekend's bloodless mutiny. The interior secretary accused an opposition senator of backing the uprising, which the government says was part of a larger coup plot. Jose Lina, the interior secretary, was grilled by opposition senators demanding that he present evidence to back up his allegations against Sen. Gregorio "gringo" Honasan, who led at least two of seven coup attempts against former president Corazon Aquino in the 1980s.

Honasan, who has denied involvement in Sunday's mutiny, was not present at the congressional hearing. Lina said he is a threat to national security and part of the failed coup.

Justice Department prosecutors said they had enough evidence to indict the 321 renegade soldiers and officers, after reviewing coup charges filed by police. No hearing date has been set. If convicted, the leaders of the mutiny face 20-40 years' imprisonment and their followers 10-20 years. "After a careful evaluation of the ... Evidence, we find and so hold that probable cause exits to warrant the indictment of respondents for the crime of coup d'etat," the prosecution said. No bail was recommended.

Argee Guevarra, a lawyer for the soldiers, accused the Justice Department of "railroading the case" by denying a request for a preliminary investigation that would have allowed the soldiers to file counter-affidavits.

Bureau Report