Beijing, Oct 12: China today sent its Vice Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, to Russia to discuss the Iraq and North Korean nuclear issues as well as to prepare for the upcoming meeting between the Chinese and Russian presidents. Wang will discuss with the Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Losiukov, the Korean nuclear issue the Asian region and other issues of common concern the Chinese foreign ministry said.

Last night Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing exchanged views with his Russian counterpart Igor Ivanov over telephone on bilateral ties, the North Korean nuclear issue and the Iraq issue Xinhua news agency reported. On the Iraq issue Ivanov stressed that the United Nations should play a key role in resolving the issue and restoring Iraq's sovereignty as soon as possible.

Li noted China is willing to maintain contact with the Russian side and prompt UN Security Council to reach consensus on the Iraq issue and safeguard the council's authority. Beijing will send Assistant Foreign Minister Shen Quofang to Madrid to attend an international conference on Iraq's reconstruction, Li said.

The ministers agreed to make joint efforts to ensure that a positive outcome would be attained in Chinese President Hu Jintao's meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the upcoming informal Apec leaders' meeting in Thailand.

The Beijing six-party talks on North Korea's nuclear issue is conducive, and an important step toward the issue's peaceful resolution through dialogue, Li said noting that Wang leaves for Russia for an exchange of views on this issue. Ivanov gave a high appraisal of the Beijing six-party talks and expressed his support for their progress.

Bureau Report